Meet Our Staff
John Villarreal
John loves people and enjoys visiting members and visitors alike. He also has a passion for God’s Word. He has many favorites in life as you will learn after hearing him preach, but his ultimate favorite will always be Blue Bell Ice Cream. We are blessed to have John and his family serving along side us here at Broad Street. Please join us for one of our worship services or if you are in need of a visit do not hesitate to contact us any time. John is always available to share God’s Word over a cold scoop of Blue Bell! | Tel: 903-530-8385

John Villarreal

Jean Delafield
Jean is so much more than a secretary. She is the glue that holds our entire church together. If there is ever a problem to solve, a item to find or job needing accomplished Jean is always there to lend a helping hand. She has served in this role for many years and does so with a smile and such humble spirit. If you take time to come by our office or call in during the day you are sure to meet Jean. I think you will agree she will have brightened your day. | Tel: 903-569-2046

Youth Minister
Chad Parrish
Chad has been working with our youth at Broad Street for over 15 years, but his history with our congregation goes back further. Chad was a youth member here in high school, after returning from Harding University he became the part-time youth minister and for the past 6 years has been our full time youth and family minister. Chad’s wife Leanne, sons Case and Cole bring such a joy to his life and to the lives of others. Chad’s passion in ministry is to bring the knowledge of Jesus Christ to our younger generation. He also has a passion for missions and bringing awareness to those less fortunate in our world today. Chad and his wife would love to meet you and get to know each one of you better. | Tel: 903-638-9534

Canaan Noble